Frequently asked questions.

Can we host the classes or do we have to purchase the courses outright?

You can do either option that best fits your needs. If you host the class and invite other agencies, we will help with advertising the course to fill the class for you.

What is required to host a course?

We just need a location that can hold 25 or more students. It will also need to have multi-media for presentations.

Are there any other expenses other than the course cost?

No, the course cost covers the Instructor, travel, and any course materials and handouts. This includes certificates for attending.

How many students are needed to have a class?

We would need a minimum of 15 students for in-person courses. This is also based on the location of the course due to travel costs.

How do we host a course?

Pick a course you would like to host and provide a date range you would like to host the course. Once we confirm our schedule and availability, we will start the hosting process and set up registration.

What can we do to help fill the class?

We will create flyers for social media and email for you to share with neighboring agencies.

Do your courses count for POST continuing education credits?

Our content is already certified in some states. If it isn’t and your agency would like it to be, we can work with your state POST-certifying entity to get the course certified.

Do we get free seats or discounts for hosting the course?

Yes! We provide the hosting agency with at least 2 free seats for a one-day course. If you do multiple days, we can provide a discount for the courses.

Do you only train Telecommunicators?

No, we teach several areas of emergency services. We are available for Telecommunicators, Police, Fire, EMS, Security, Military bases, Technical colleges, High schools, and much more.

What courses do you provide Colleges and High schools?

Contact us about the programs that we can offer schools. We can even provide you with call simulation equipment resources with our partner company. We are very passionate about starting the education on emergency services early as it can be a lifelong career for many.