These classes can be hosted by your agency on your time and at your location. No more traveling for training and trying to figure out how to cover a schedule as well.
Deadly Calls & Fatal Encounters with Jason Long
Mental Health 911: Identifying and Responding to Crisis with Jason Long
Recruit, Retain, and Schedule Making with Jason Long
Emotional and Social Intelligence with Charles Hedgespeth
FIT for the Call with Charles Hedgespeth
Advanced Fire/EMS/Hazmat Dispatch with Jason Long
Five Pillars of Leadership with Kyle Nall
Leading Well with Kyle Nall
Leadership is Simple, Not Easy with Kyle Nall
From Call to Conviction: Telecommunicators Against Human Trafficking with Ricky Lynn
The Dark Reality: An Introduction to Human Trafficking with Ricky Lynn
Instructor Development with Charles Hedgespeth and Jason Long
Danger Signs: Surviving Threats Against Your Life with Matthew Johnson
Tornado Destruction: A Telecommunicator Case Study with Matthew Johnson
AIMM for Great Leadership: The Anti-Toxic Leader with Matthew Johnson
Purpose Unleashed: Crafting Your Vision, Mission, and Core Values with Katie Hamilton
Protecting the Protectors: Self-Defense for Telecommunicators